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Cyber Central in Depth Malware Analysis Training

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The cyber-attack landscape has changed. Malicious adversaries continue to enhance techniques used to exploit enterprise networks. Previous paradigms have failed to adequately prevent, detect, respond, and recover from new attacks. As such, the paradigm we use to hunt and eradicate new threats must adapt as well. Canvasing the field, it seems advanced digital forensics (focusing on memory, host machine, and network forensics) and malware analysis are crucial capabilities not yet found in all of our experts. This workshop has been created to bridge these gaps and introduce advanced techniques missing in the field to better hunt for new malicious attacks. Networks and computer systems are under a constant barrage of attacks from unknown adversaries across the world. Even with defense in depth tools and architectures in place to protect the computer systems, as research demonstrates, these attacks are still increasing in sophistication, severity, and exploitation time before being ...

Cyber Central in Depth Malware Analysis Training

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